
In the Department of Biological Sciences, challenging science courses are just one part of a holistic approach to learning. Our curriculum integrates traditional study with individual mentorship in the lab and service learning and sustainable projects in the community, for a truly interdisciplinary experience.

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"Perhaps the most exciting part of our work is the immediacy of it all. Never before has there been a greater need to understand wetlands ecosystems, as it might soon be too late.​​​"

Kathryn Norman
MS '18

Biology Department Making Headlines

jimmy_saw_career_ccas Biology’s Saw Wins CAREER Award HonorsBiology’s Jimmy Saw was recognized with NSF’s most prestigious honor for his work examining microbes in extreme habitats like hot springs and hydrothermal vents.
tumblr_karencarr Fish Out of Water: Keck Grant Helps Biologist Wade into Evolution PoolWith a $1.4 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation, Professor Sandy Kawano will take giant leaps toward understanding how amphibious ancestors took small steps onto land.