MS in Biological Sciences
The Department of Biological Sciences offers a highly interactive master's program drawing on research strengths spanning the areas of systematics, evolution, ecology, and cellular and molecular biology. The MS program prepares students for future positions in medical and pharmaceutical jobs, postgraduate programs and laboratory positions across the country.
New for Fall 2025
In addition to the department’s traditional thesis-based degree where students pursue research in the lab of an advisor identified at the time of admission, the department will offer two new non-thesis concentrations in the MS in Biological Science beginning Fall 2025. Students looking to enhance their knowledge of a specific area of biology while gaining additional quantitative analysis and laboratory skills through applied courses may apply to either the biodiversity science concentration or the cellular and molecular biology concentration. Students in the MS program often take advantage of researchers, faculty, and facilities at GW and elsewhere in the Washington area including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History.
- Biodiversity Science Concentration (non-thesis)
Amid increasing concern about the health of ecosystems and endangered species, expertise in Biodiversity Science allows students to specialize in the principles and methods of comparative biodiversity science. Students in this track explore the complexities of evolution over time, the ecological interactions of species with each other and the environment, and potential biological indicators of ecosystem disturbances.
- Cellular and Molecular Biology Concentration (non-thesis)
Graduate students in the cellular and molecular biology focus area prepare for real-world challenges through research on well-studied model systems, non-model organisms, and comparisons among different types of organisms. Students in the program will gain advanced laboratory and statistical analytical skills. The program will prepare students for research and laboratory-based careers as well as medical and MD/PhD programs.
- Research Lab Thesis-Based Concentration
This concentration allows students to pursue research in the laboratory of an advisor identified at the time of admission in one of two broad areas: cell and molecular biology or systematics, evolution, and ecology. Aimed at those who seek additional graduate work such as those seeking to go on for a Ph.D., coursework is tailored to the student’s research interests and it also requires the successful completion and defense of a written research thesis. To complement their classroom education, students can get involved in ongoing field research at both terrestrial and aquatic field sites around the world. Students must contact faculty prior to application to this concentration to inquire whether faculty are taking students on in their lab.
Master’s Thesis and Examination Guidelines
- Thesis Timeline
All theses must have a director and a reader. Directors from outside of GW are permitted, but must be accompanied by a biology faculty co-director.
Students should follow the following general timeline:
Semester 1: Meet with research advisor to plan program of studies and transfer any credits; begin thesis topic research
Semester 2: Submit thesis proposal to assigned graduate advisor; begin collecting thesis data
Semester 3: Finish collecting thesis data; begin writing
Semester 4: File an Application for Graduate form; submit thesis first draft to graduate advisor; once approved, submit completed thesis electronically to the Gelman Library
Semester 5+: Register for at least one credit hour of Continuing Research, if extending thesis time
- Thesis Proposal
The thesis proposal must include the following:
- Brief review of literature pertaining to the problem
- Statement of the hypothesis to be tested
- Outline of the methods of investigation
- Statement of how the data will be analyzed
- Brief discussion of the scientific significance of the proposed research
- Bibliography
- No more than 10 pages total
Once the graduate advisor and reviewers approve the proposal, the student should file a Thesis Topic Approval Form with the director of graduate studies for biology.
See the GW Graduate Student Handbook for further guidance.
Note: It is possible to transfer into the PhD program before finishing the master’s program. Interested students should apply to the PhD before the normal admissions deadline.
Course Requirements
See the curriculum for requirements for each concentration.