Carly Jordan

Carly Jordan
Associate Professor of Biology
- Women’s Leadership Program- Science, Health, & Medicine Cohort Program Coordinator
- Honors Program- Faculty
- Global Women’s Institute- Research Fellow
Carly Jordan is a specialist in biology education, having earned her Ph.D. in Cellular Biology and a graduate certificate in University Teaching from the University of Georgia in 2011. She teaches biology both for the Women’s Leadership Program and the University Honors Program, and she strives to create inclusive classroom environments and challenging courses. She is committed to actively engaging all students using evidence-based approaches to teaching, and contributes to the scholarship of science education, as an author of case studies and curriculum materials for use in biology courses. She is also a lead member of the BCEENET, Biological Collections in Ecology & Evolution Network, whose mission is to foster collaboration between educators and museums, and to encourage the use of natural history collections in undergraduate education and research. Finally, she leads a team of undergraduate researchers focused on diversity and inclusion in human sexuality textbooks. We explore how issues such as racism, sexism, and heteronormativity appear in textbooks on sex and reproduction.
C.N. Jordan, J.L. Krumm, T.M. Doan, J.S. Kilgore, & D. Linton. (2019). How many critters can an island hold? Using digitized natural history collections to test real hypotheses about island biogeography. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education, Vol 40.
C.N. Jordan. (2017). Designing your course for active learning. Active Learning Guide for Life: The Science of Biology (11th ed.). Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates.
C.N. Jordan. (2016). Getting out of the lab: Creating inquiry biology labs for use in online or blended classes. Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, 379-382. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
C.N. Jordan. 2015. More Than Just a Cough: Exploring the Role of the Cytoskeleton in Fertility. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science Online Collection.
C.N. Jordan, A.M. Seliga, and E.A. Flaherty. 2014. GTA Boot Camp: A training program to prepare first-time graduate student teaching assistants. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education. Vol 35.
C.N. Jordan, E. Flaherty, and J. Prather. 2014. A Curious Mission: An Analysis of Martian Molecules. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science Online Collection.
C.N. Jordan. 2012. LIFE 1010 General Biology Laboratory Manual. 1st Edition. Hayden-McNeill Publishing. Plymouth, MI.
M.E. Francia, C.N Jordan, J.D. Patel, L. Sheiner, J. Fellows, J. de Leon, N. Morrisette, J.F. Dubremetz, and B. Striepen. 2012. Cell division in apicomplexan parasites is organized by a homolog of the rootlet fiber of algal flagella. PLoS Biol 10(12): e1001444. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001444.
P. Brickman, C.L. Gormally, G.M. Francom, S.E. Jardeleza, V.G.W. Schutte, C.N. Jordan, and L. Kanizay. 2011. Media-savvy scientific literacy: Developing critical evaluation skills by investigating scientific claims. Am Biol Teach. 74(6): 374–379.
B.S., Biology, Virginia Tech, 2003
M.S., Biomedical & Veterinary Sciences, Virginia Tech, 2005
Graduate Certificate in University Teaching, University of Georgia, 2010
Ph.D., Cellular Biology, University of Georgia, 2011
BISC 1005- The Biology of Nutrition and Health (summer, online)
BISC 1111- Introductory Biology: Cell and Molecules (fall, WLP only)
BISC 1112- The Biology of Organisms (spring, WLP only)
HONR 1033- Scientific Discovery & Reasoning: Science of Nutrition (fall)
HONR 1034- Scientific Discovery & Reasoning: Human Reproduction (spring)
Intro to Medicine (Pre-College Summer Immersion)